Beyond Chiropractic Care
Our chiropractic services combine easily with other services such as massage and physical therapy. Both services help to stretch muscles that are tight and strengthen muscles that are weak to restore muscular balance and stability. We also like to work with our patient’s primary care physician and/or other medical care professionals as this approach has proven to yield more beneficial and lasting results.
Personalized Care
How Chiropractic Can Help You Achieve Results
At Peace Chiropractic, we provide a personalized care program. From your initial consultation in which you receive an evaluation, your health is our goal. If you are suffering from back or neck pain, we examine your spine to determine which method of chiropractic care is appropriate for you. We also provide relief for headaches, muscular imbalances and other joint conditions. For example, if you are suffering from a frozen shoulder or chronic knee pain, we can develop a chiropractic care program that targets and helps to heal these joints. Once you begin a chiropractic care program, you feel your body responding with improved health, more energy and increased circulation. We offer you a well-rounded treatment program with service options such as:
